

Night Rider
Yohana Nicodemus

Amka na TK
Shabani Kanuth

Chambu Chambu
Mwanahamisi Kassim

The Power Afternoon
Mecky Manyanga

Evening mix
Gilbert Malila

Inter Sport
This program covers all sports games and entertainment events around the word.
Mussa Chusa

Afro Dance
Is a Program which  talks about African music namely  Bolingo from Tanzania ,lingala, Rumba, Zouk from DRC, Dance e.t.c . History and hot news from this music, Interviews from various Artists are the part of this  program
Joseph Kimaro

Afro Dance
Joseph Kimaro

Hisia Kali
This night chilling program, talks and counseling on issues regarding casual relationship, love, marriage and et
Joseph Kimaro